COVID-19 Message

How Mighty Peace GM & Power Sports is responding to the risk of COVID-19
With the best interest of our Mighty Peace guests in mind, we have prepared information for our customers to assure you our team is taking all necessary steps to ensure the safety of all guests and staff in response to the latest news of Coronavirus (COVID-19) reaching Alberta.
The safety of all of our visitors and staff members is the top priority and we are working hard to ensure a safe environment.
Cleanliness at Mighty Peace GMC
With the volume of patrons visiting the dealership on a day to day basis for sales, services, taking test drives or getting parts we continue to ensure the highest standards and proactively work to maintain a clean and healthy environment.
In response to the Coronavirus outbreak in Alberta, we’ve taken measures to expand the frequency in disinfecting the workplace. Both facilities and vehicles are cleaned and disinfected during the day and between customers and receive a thorough clean inside every night.
How can you protect yourself when visiting Mighty Peace GMC?
The Coronavirus has symptoms similar to the flu with a runny nose, sore throat, cough, fever and difficulty breathing (severe cases).
Similar to a common flu, it is spread through things like shaking hands, coughs, sneezes and not washing your hands before touching your nose and eyes.
Prevention is key to stopping the spread of the virus
- Clean hands frequently with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water
- Cover nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with tissue or flexed elbow
- Avoid close contact (1 metre or 3 feet) with anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms
We encourage all our guests and staff to engage in these preventative measures. For full information please visit Health Canada
Is It Safe to Visit Mighty Peace GMC in Peace River?
Our top priority is to provide a safe environment for our staff and guests. Currently, in the Peace Region, the health risk remains low, we will continue to monitor the situation and continue to do our best to keep the dealership safe and healthy for all of you.
What You Can Do When Visiting Mighty Peace GMC?
Some simple steps you can do to take preventive measures when visiting Mighty Peace GMC.
- If you have travelled outside the country and are at risk, please take precautions as recommended to reduce the risk of spread
- If you are sick, please stay home
- Avoid shaking hands or close contact if you feel sick or feel a staff member is sick
- Wash your hands with our sanitization dispensers or the soap in our restrooms and waiting areas
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands
- When coughing or sneezing do not cover your mouth or nose with your hands. Use the elbow or use a tissue to reduce the spreading of germs. Immediately dispose of them and wash your hands afterwards
Additional Resources
Alberta Health Services Alberta Health Services
Government of Canada Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates: